On herway to Uppsala UNT:s Cultural editor Kristina Lindquist visited the shop Pressbyrån at Stockholm central station.
And there, on full display, was the fourth book of the "Millennium" trilogy, "The Girl in the Spider's Web" written by David Lagercrantz. This despite the fact that it was not be released worldwide until midnight.
– It was absolutely on full display. There was no discussion about selling it now, says Kristina Lindquist.
When UNT contact the publishing house Norstedts theyhave no knowledge of the fact that the book isbeing sold a day early.
– It is sold there? Well, that is unfortunate, comments Anders Toll, sales director at Norstedts.
How could it have happened?
– The book is out on thousands of outlets to go on sale tomorrow, Thursday. We have no chance to keep track of all outlets.
– I have to hang up now and call the Press Office.
What will you say to the store?
– That they must stop sales immediately. We have set a clear date for it not to be sold until 27th of August.